Saturday, January 5, 2013

Manju Brings Eggs

In a city where even eggs are considered taboo, it's hard to get that full, satisfied feeling that only a good chunk of protein will give you! I brought several bags of whey protein powder to make shakes and smoothies, but forgot that I'd be here in the dead of winter. Who wants a nice, ice cold frosty smoothie when India is in the throes of one of the coldest winters ever?! Thank God for Manju! Manju lives in the next town over and raises chickens for eggs. She is an original widow in our necklace making program and a strong witness for Christ, having been a Hindu who converted through a miracle healing. Every couple of weeks she comes by with two flats of the best fresh eggs for me. Her eggs are usually my favorite meal of the day, no matter how I cook them. And my protein fix is satisfied for the day!

Don't Wait Another Moment! Learn a Dirty Little Secret About Me That I Am Not Proud About Now!'s been ____days since I've taken a bath! It's so cold here, and there is no escape; no place to find total warmth except under my blankets, which I loathe to crawl out of in the morning. The thought of exposing myself to the chilly air is unbearable! My propane space heater does nothing but heat up what's directly in front of it, leaving everything outside the direct radiant heat range in frozen space. I have written a poem about taking a bath more recently that I have taken one. There! Now you have it! A dirty little secret about me!!

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