Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holy Cow - Watercolor

Maybe this should be in my photography blog, but since I'm in India and this does start out as a photograph, and I need to get this blog started, I figured this was as good a place as any to get started.  And I'm starting with one of my personal goals for my sojourn in India - watercolors.

This is my original picture, snapped on the way down to the Yamuna River in Vrindavan.  I loved the way the cow stood out against the brilliant blue walls, and the angularity of the walls next to the soft curvy cow.  The cow was like most cows in India, just happy to stand there forever while I photographed him at every angle while my companions continued down to the river.

I liked the composition colors so much, I thought it would make a nice first attempt at watercolors.

Notice any similarities????

Honestly, all during the day I have conversational scenarios of all these great and clever things I could be writing in a blog, and then when it comes right down to it, I just can't get started.  Maybe like watercolor painting, I just have to do it; hopefully my paintings will get better with practice and the sights in my mind's eye, like the words in my brain, will flow effortlessly, eloquently on to paper.

Just for fun, I took a photo of the watercolor cow and applied several filters to it.  Personally I like the cow grunge with all the filters applied, and ultimately would like to see my paintings head in that direction....I think...

                                    ...I've least!!

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